Trail Life USA - Navigators
Ages 11-14Trail Life USA combines outdoor experiences, leadership opportunities, and team adventures with a focus on biblical values, principles, and wisdom.
Able Trailman
The Able Trailman is truly an able man. He knows how to hike safely and comfortably and handle a lot of situations that might come up. These skills are the foundation for the next ranks. This rank concentrates on being comfortable in the outdoors. The Able Trailman learns a number of things that a Trailman is expected to know about nature, America, and leadership.
- Earns the Recruit Trailman Rank
Trail Badge Work:
- Complete any FOUR of the NINE Trail Badges required for the Ready Trailman rank (Aquatics, Camping, Fire ranger, First Aid, Our Flag, Outdoor Cooking, Ropework, Trail Skills, and Woods tools).
- Earn an additional three Trail Badges of your choice. (Note: the Horizon required trail Badges cannot be earned in the Navigators program)
Servant Service:
- Complete 15 hours of service for each year since joining Navigators. Record your hours on the service chart in your handbook and have them verified by an adult.
Troop Involvement:
- Maintain a level of Troop meeting attendance acceptable to your Trailmaster (typically 60% or better).
- Participate in at least 8 Troop activities since becoming a Navigator, not including regular meetings. Record each activity on the activity chart in your handbook (trips, camp, community outings, etc.) and have each one verified by an adult.
Marks His Progress:
- Successfully complete an Advancement Conference with your Trailmaster or Trail Guide.
- Successfully complete a Board of Review.