Advancement Chair
Advancement Chair
Trail Life includes a robust system of structured advancement for boys at all program levels. By moving through this advancement system, the boys are guided through a variety of useful experiences.
Our Advancement Team is charged with tracking the progress of the boys, assisting program decision-makers in designing events to complete advancement steps, facilitating boards of review, and purchasing and presenting awards.
The Advancement Chair, a member of the Troop Committee, should have reasonable command of the advancement structure of the program, so as to be able to advise regarding optimal courses of action without extended research. The Chair should be willing and able to interject into the planning process to suggest ways to optimize advancement outcomes.
We do not have an advancement driven culture within our units for older boys. We desire to increase the median level of achievement within the troop while maintaining a balance of accomplishment, fun and growth. We intentionally include events that serve no advancement purpose but to provide for spiritual growth, adventure or fellowship as part of our troop’s ministry.
- Christian man age 21 or older
- Frazer Church Volunteer (or eligible)
- TLUSA Registered Adult (or eligible)
Core Duties
- Lead a team responsible for overseeing the awards program.
- Manage official advancement records in Trail Life Connect.
- Provide insight into advancement opportunities at new or existing events.
- Coordinate with the Treasurer for the purchase of advancement supplies.
- Coordinate boards of review with the Committee Chair.
- Oversee planning of award ceremonies.
Additional Responsibilities
- As a member of the troop leadership, pay active attention to troop business and be able to accurately and thoughtfully represent the troop to others in the church and community.
- Complete Peak 1 and Peak 2 trainings during first year of service.
Timing of Duties
- The Advancement Chair will typically find it most convenient to interact with other leaders and youth at the weekly meetings; however, the role can be accomplished without being present at all parts of all meetings.
- The Advancement Chair has planning responsibilities outside of meetings, and will need to interact with the troop leadership regularly.
- The Advancement Chair is encouraged to attend campouts and activities to inform a practical understanding of the ministry’s operations.