
Trail Guide (Navigator)

Trail Guide (Navigator)

Navigator Trail Guides are the adult leaders of the Navigator youth. As the program pivots from the adult-led Woodlands level to the youth-led Adventurers, the Navigator Trail Guides are in the transition stage, working both to advise boys as they develop their own leadership and as leaders to guide the boys through the middle-school years.

Our troop desires adequate Navigator Trail Guides to enable breaking into small groups, and to have men with a variety of skills and abilities available to the youth. Shared leadership is a core value and important to successful ministry. We desire teams of men accomplishing the Trail Guide duties.

Navigator Trail Guides have the opportunity, but not the responsibility, to serve as the adult event lead for camping trips, service projects, and other outings of the Navigator/Adventurer group.


Core Duties

  • Work collaboratively with the Navigator Trailmaster to provide needed instruction at weekly meetings.
  • Advise youth on completion of badge work and other program advancement items.
  • Ensure a safely supervised patrol meeting, including complying with all youth policies of TLUSA and Frazer Church.

Additional Responsibilities

  • Inform Trailmaster and Troopmaster if unable to attend a regular meeting
  • Pay active attention to troop calendar and announcements to enable thoughtful communication with patrol members and parents
  • Complete Peak 1 and Peak 2 trainings during first year of service.

Timing of Duties

  • Most Trail Guides are involved in every weekly meeting, although some schedule their participation.
  • Outside of meetings, Trail Guides should take time to prepare and review materials when teaching. Navigator Trail Guides do not typically have out-of-meeting administrative duties.
  • Navigator Trail Guides often attend Navigator/Adventurer campouts, although supervision of these events does not require the entire team of Trail Guides to be present.

Position Attributes

Adult Registration
Position Type
Trail Guide
Team Lead
Number of Positions