Troop Positions

Troop Positions
Troop AL-0236 is entirely volunteer led and has been blessed by parents who step up to serve their sons and those of others.
In keeping with the TLUSA emphasis on the value of male mentorship, the following positions are restricted to males: Troop Chaplain, Troopmaster, Ranger, Trailmaster, Advisor, and Trail Guides.
The Senior Ministry Leader (SML) is the highest authority in the charter organization (usually the Senior Pastor of a church). The SML approves the existence of a Trail Life Troop, ensures it is an active ministry of the church, and understands the mission and policies of Trail Life USA. The SML appoints, or serves as, the Troop Ministry Liaison (TML), and delegates the responsibility of selecting all other volunteer leaders to the TML.
Troop Ministry Liaison (TML) | The Troop Ministry Liaison is the next highest Troop leader and is appointed by the Senior Ministry Leader. The TML is the Charter Organization’s appointed official, their Troop liaison, an Area Team resource, and a National voter.
The TML is responsible for selecting and recruiting the rest of the core leadership team. It is the duty of the TML to review and approve (or reject) each adult Troop member applicant. The TML approves Troop leaders, providing the spiritual authority, pastoral recommendation, and
final oversight of their Charter Organization’s membership on behalf of the Senior Ministry Leader (SML).
Troop Chaplain (CHAP) | The Troop Chaplain assures that the Troop emphasizes and stays true to its Christian mission (organizing prayer for meetings, services at campouts, etc.). He leads by example, is qualified to give biblical advice, has a passion for discipleship, and involves and empowers other members (youth and adult alike) in providing opportunities for spiritual growth.
Committee Chair (CC) | The Committee Chair presides over Troop Committee Meetings, and follows up with Committee members as they complete their work. May appoint, with approval of the TML, as many Committee members as needed to maintain an effective Troop.
Treasurer (TREAS) | The Treasurer is a record keeper, maintaining accounts for all financial transactions. He/she regularly reports the financial status of the Troop; coordinates and communicates to parents the process of Troop Budgeting; understands, coordinates, and supervises approved TRAIL LIFE USA fundraising guidelines; handles unit funds and pays bills. These duties can be delegated to other volunteers, but will still fall under the Treasurer’s supervision.
Troopmaster (TM) | Oversees all “direct contact” leaders (those volunteers who work directly with the boys each week), understands all programmatic operations of the Troop, reports successes and systemic challenges faced by leaders and youth. The Troopmaster is the coach of, and Troop Committee representative for, the Ranger, Trailmaster, Advisor, Guidon Coach and their Trail Guides.
Ranger (RAN), Trailmaster (TRL), and Advisor (ADV) | Adults (age 21 or over) who oversee the operation of specific age-levels within the Troop by providing direction, coaching, and support. These positions are NOT voting members of the Committee, but they may be asked to attend Troop Committee meetings.
Trail Guides (TG) – Woodlands Trail, Navigator, Adventurer | Adults (age 18 or over for Woodlands Trail, Navigator and Adventurer, age 26 or over for Guidon) who assist the Ranger, Trailmaster, Advisor, or Guidon Coach in delivering the Troop program. Trail Guides are NOT formal members of the committee and do NOT attend Troop Committee meetings.
Guidon Coach (GC) | An older adult male (26+ years old) that is a representative of the Charter Organization and serves to oversee and provide insight as needed to the younger adults in the Guidon Unit.
NOTE: 18-20 year olds do not count as a part of the 2-deep safety supervision requirement.
Advancement Chair (CM-ADV) | Ensure that the Troop has regular boards of review (at least monthly), regular courts of honor, and is providing opportunity for timely advancement within the Trail Life USA model. Also responsible for record keeping and submitting advancement reports.
Community Service Chair (CM-SVC) | Coordinate regular community service efforts (should include four Troop service projects per year).
Equipment Chair (CM-EQUIP) | Work with the youth Quartermaster. Responsible for inventory, storage, and maintenance of equipment.
Fundraising Chair (CM-FUND) | Organizes and supervises fundraising events and ensures that every youth member has the opportunity and tools necessary to participate. Coordinates exciting kickoffs of your one or two focused fundraisers each year.
Health and Safety Chair (CM-HS) | Keeps everyone up to date on Trail Life USA’s policies and procedures. Maintains current and comprehensive knowledge of Health and Safety Guide and related documents. Ensures activity permissions and notifications are filed with the Charter Organization and Trail Life USA Home Office as required.
Membership Chair (CM-MEMB) | Coordinate regular recruiting of new members, provides a smooth transition of new Trailmen into the Troop and orientation of new parents.
Outdoor/Activities Chair (CM-OUT) | Researches and secures permission to use camping sites or other outdoor locations for planned activities. Serves as transportation coordinator and ensures a monthly robust outdoor program for all levels.
Training Chair (TRAIN) | Provide (or educate members about available) training opportunities; maintain training records and materials. Assists leaders in obtaining First Aid and CPR training as required.
Secretary (SEC) | Keep meeting minutes and records, send notices to members, etc.
Onboarding Facilitator (ONBRD) | Orient new families, walking them through the Troop Fast Start Checklist and making sure they understand TLUSA, troop and church policies.
Public Relations Chair (CM-PR) | Provide news and announcements about the Troop to newspapers, websites, etc. May also be the Troop’s Webmaster (if desired). Promotes service projects. Promotes new membership and lets people in the town or neighborhood know that Trail Life USA is available.
Committee Member (CM) | A general committee member with responsibilities as defined by the Committee Chair.
Registered Adult (RA) | This position is for registering parents or guardians who, while not serving in a defined position listed above, may want to have a more active role with their boys in the program. They pay the regular member fee, agree with the Statement of Faith, submit to a background check, complete the Child Safety Youth Protection Training and are approved by the Charter Organization Representative. They will receive an ID card from the Home Office that identifies them as registered. This allows the local leadership to confidently request their assistance at Troop activities, but does not obligate the Registered Adult to any specific service role. This member is regularly involved and (if over 21) helps to meet the two-deep safety supervision requirement.
Guidon Member (GM) | Young Christian men and women ages 18 to 25 years old that have been accepted as members according to the membership criteria established by the local Guidon Unit.
Please note: All adult Troop members of Trail Life USA complete a registration process that consists of filling out the membership application, signing our statement of faith agreement, paying the national annual member fee, successfully passing a background check, finalizing online Youth Safety Protection Training, and receiving certification from the Troop Ministry Liaison and approval from the Trail Life USA Home Office.